( press on the chart to enlarge )
Abbrev. ETF*: Exchange-Traded Fund.Today we live in a world where with a click of a mouse you may draw ETF*s charts of various countries on one screen to compare their economies: China’s FXI, Russia’s RSX, Brazil’s EWZ or US’s DJI - which is doing better?
It’s actual competition in real time like we have in sports. The goal is, of course, to participate in the competition for yourself (not just to observe) and online investment community during last 10-15 years developed sophisticated tools for competitor-investor. Sports have a challenge to compete with their convenience. New vision and developments are needed to sustain Olympic Movement, to integrate it with the advancements of online investments and be relevant. Risk management and strategies are the key elements important in either sports or investments.
Let's say before trading day of 12.04.2008 I chose EWG, Germany's ETF, to do the best against other ETFs and above is the chart of those ETFs with 80 minutes left till the end of the session. At this point EWG is in the 2nd place and the score is 5:1, because my chosen ETF wins against 5 ETFs and losses against 1.
Did it keep its current position at the end of the trading session? ETFs competed: INP, EWZ, EWY, EWG, EWH, RSX, FXI.
How did EWG do on the next day, 12.05.2008?
Do you have fun by analizing the competition this way? I do every time :)
Wish the best,
Coach ArtuM
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